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Aim higher EUREKA's Eurostars Programme - Getting your innovation to the market. Faster.

Deadline for Submission of Applications: 4th April, 2013 at 20:00hrs

The Eurostars Programme is a European Joint Programme dedicated to the R&D performing SMEs, and co-funded by the European Communities and 33 EUREKA member countries.

Eurostars is a bottom-up programme.  Project applications are accepted from any technological domain, for any market.  The only restriction is that the project outcome must be destined for civilian purposes.

Who can apply for Eurostars funding?

Eurostars aims to stimulate R&D performing SMEs to lead international collaborative research and innovation projects by easing access to support and funding.  It is fine-tuned on the needs of SMEs and specifically targets the development and new products, processes and services and the access to transnational and international markets.

Certain eligibility criteria apply.

Why should I apply for Eurostars Programme?

  • to develop new products/services/processes;
  • to access new markets; and
  • mutual sharing of risk, know-how, human and financial resources.

For further information on the Eurostars Programme and the assistance provided contact Malta Enterprise on [email protected] or via our social media.