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Concession to Design, Construct, Finance, Operate and Maintain an International Logistics Hub

Request for Proposals - Second Issue
Closing Date: 
Monday, April 3, 2017 - 12:00

The Privatisation Unit (‘PU’), acting on behalf of Malta Enterprise (Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business), is issuing a second public Request for Proposals (‘RFP’) in connection with a Concession to Design, Construct, Finance, Operate and Maintain an International Logistics Hub (ILH) at Hal Far.

The concession shall also include the grant of the property, identified as per the plans included in the RFP, under a temporary emphyteutical title for a definite duration and subject to the terms and conditions described in the RFP. 

The PU is inviting submissions for the RFP from reputable persons and/or entities with the necessary experience and resources to undertake such a project. The RFP document is available on the PU’s website (

It is important that Proponents who are interested in submitting an RFP Proposal formally register their interest with the PU by sending an email at the email address shown below, expressing their interest to undertake the project.

Once this initial communication takes place, the PU will forward a process letter inviting interested parties to collect an authenticated hardcopy version of the RFP document. The process letter will explain the procedure to be followed. A receipt will be provided to all those who have formally registered their interest and collected an authentic hardcopy version of the RFP document.

Only those who have an official receipt from the PU of their formal registration of interest and have collected an authentic hardcopy version of the RFP document will be permitted to submit an RFP Proposal.

The closing date for Proponents to formally register their interest with the PU (through email) expressing their interest to undertake the project is Tuesday 7th March 2017 (23:59hours CET). The closing date for the submission of the RFP Proposals is Monday 3rd April 2017 (12:00hours CET).


Privatisation Unit
Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business
4, Clock Tower, Level 1, Tigné Point
Sliema TP01

Tel: (+356) 22209573
Email: [email protected]