ME hosts thematic consultation session on Maritime Sector

Malta Enterprise and the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) organised a thematic consultation session on Malta’s Maritime sector. This session was organised as part of Malta Enterprise’s ‘RELOS3’ Interreg Europe project and, in line with the project objectives, contributes to the process led by MCST to design and shape Malta’s new Smart Specialisation Strategy post-2020.

The consultation provided participants with the opportunity to discuss the sector’s capacity and potential for research and innovation (R&I), as well as to identify challenges that could be addressed in Malta’s smart specialisation strategy. Breakout sessions helped develop further a number of the areas discussed.  

Local entrepreneurs, researchers, government officials and citizens all contributed and had their say. The results taken from this session will feed into the RELOS3 local action plan which is currently being drafted and which will be presented to the relevant local policy makers in the second half of this year. The report will contain a number of proposals to further the deployment of R&I in Malta’s Maritime sector, as well as potentially other sectors of importance to Malta.