MicroInvest 2024
MicroInvest applications are now open.
Application forms must be submitted through the client portal.
MicroInvest applications are now open.
Application forms must be submitted through the client portal.
This is to inform our clients that ME Client Portal will be offline for 5 business days from the 28th of November up to 3rd December 2024.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
The annual Malta Enterprise CSR event, held to mark the Corporation's 20th anniversary, took place last Friday at St John’s Co Cathedral, Valletta, featuring the renowned international soprano Martina Bortolotti von Haderburg, tenor Cliff Zammit Stevens, Jubilate Deo Choir, the Pueri Cantores Jubilate Deo (under the direction of Daniela Ellul) together with the Cathedral organist Ronald Camilleri. The concert was organised under the direction of Mro Christopher Muscat.