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Start-up Finance 2020

The aim of this measure is to support Small Start-up Undertakings that demonstrate a viable business concept and that exhibit commitment to expand and further develop their economic activity. Malta Enterprise may provide support up to €400,000. At the discretion of the Corporation, this amount may be increased to a maximum of €800,000, if the Start-up  meets the criteria of an Innovative Enterprise as defined in the guidelines. The support shall be awarded as a repayable advance.

Through this scheme, Malta Enterprise will provide support linked to private equity, wage costs, procurement of tangible & intangible assets, working capital and crowdfunding.

Applications may be submitted until the 31st October 2023.

The application form for version 3.1 of the guidelines will be made available in the coming weeks. Potential applicants interested in applying for this measure should contact Malta Enterprise to be guided accordingly.

Applications not submitted through the portal will not be processed. (The client portal is accessible through the link below.)