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Support Measures and Other Services

In order to help our clients further improve their competitive edge, Malta Enterprise has developed various incentives for the promotion and expansion of industry and the development of innovative enterprises.

Malta Enterprise provides incentives for enterprises demonstrating commitment towards growth, an increase in value added and employment. Enterprises engaged in manufacturing, ICT development activities, call centers, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, aviation and maritime services, education and training, logistics and more may benefit from these incentives.

It is advisable that prior to submitting an application you make contact with our Relations Representatives so that you are guided to the requirements of the support you are seeking. You may send an email to [email protected] and the relations representative appointed for your project will get in touch.

Support for Business Development and Transformation

The Business Development Scheme aims to facilitate value-added projects, including new business initiatives, start-up, expansions and transformation activities that contribute to the regional development of Malta.    


The purpose of the incentive is to assist and facilitate family businesses to transfer their business from one generation to the next by providing benefits including governance and fiscal benefits for the better management and organisation within the family and the business.

Sustaining the regional industrial and economic development of Malta by facilitating initial investments resulting in the setting up of new establishments, the extension of the capacity of existing establishments, diversification of existing businesses, or a fundamental change in an overall process,  amongst other activities.

The scheme encourages undertakings (including Start-ups, family businesses and self-employed) to invest in their business, so as to innovate, expand and develop their operations. Undertakings benefitting from this measure will be supported through a tax credit calculated as a percentage of eligible expenditure, which also covers increased in wage costs.