Launch of the Employee Skills Survey Preliminary Results

The National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE), in collaboration with Jobsplus and Malta Enterprise has embarked on a research project on skills needs in the labour market. The study also looked at the current and future supply and demand for workers in different sectors of the labour market in Malta.

The objective of this research was to collect solid evidence about the number of employees in different sectors of the Maltese economy and undertake a skills forecast in terms of the number of staff required / decreased in the medium and long-term. The survey was carried out online, targeting both private enterprises as well as the public sector from all sectors of the economy in Malta.

During a conference held this morning, the key preliminary findings were explained by Mr Clyde Caruana – Chairman, Jobsplus and Ms Christine Scholz -Research and Policy Manager, NCFHE. Participants were also divided into workshops covering various sectors within the economy, to further discuss the outcomes of the survey.

The publication of the complete findings will be launched later this year.

Hon. Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment; and Hon. Dr Christian Cardona, Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business, were also present for this conference.

This research formed part of the Erasmus+ project “Promoting the Bologna Process in Malta 2014-2016​​”.