Almost 150 companies and organisations from 13 different countries were brought together to discuss business opportunities during the Unlocking the Potential B2B event organised by the Enterprise Europe Network office within Malta Enterprise.
Spread over a span of two days between April 17th and 18th, the brokerage event was the ideal platform for entrepreneurs who were seeking to establish business contacts with whom they could then develop some form of partnership or business collaboration.
During the course of the event, entrepreneurs had the opportunity to meet face to face with prospective partners from different countries within a short time, thereby providing a cost and time effective way to search for new customers, technology and suppliers.
The EUREKA! Café was also running simultaneously on the side of the one-to-one meetings, providing the opportunity to various representatives of European project consortia to showcase their initiatives and look for relevant project partners.
Entrepreneurs involved in a wide range of sectors – which amongst others included advanced manufacturing, aviation, ICT and digital games production, food and beverages, life sciences, logistics, maritime, renewable energy, as well as sustainable construction – took part in the event.
Participants also had the opportunity to attend a number of information sessions delivered by key expert speakers which dealt with issues and opportunities relevant to their operations, namely Innovation in Business, Family Businesses, Procurement Opportunities in the World Bank, as well as how to make use of Social Networking to boost business success.
The opening session of the B2B event comprised a keynote address by the director of the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies Prof. Stephen C. Calleya, who spoke about the transformation that Euro-Med region is going through and the business opportunities it is now offering, while representatives of Malta Enterprise and the Enterprise Europe Network focused on the initiatives being taken by the organisations to support business development.
With more than 600 partner organisations spread over 40 countries, the Enterprise Europe Network is the largest network in the European Union and regularly organises events with the aim of supporting businesses develop their innovative potential and succeed in their operations.
For further information on the Enterprise Europe Network and on the events being organised within the network visit www.enterprise-europemalta.com or contact the EEN office within Malta Enterprise on 2542 0000 or [email protected].