Malta Enterprise was unanimously elected to the Vice Presidency of the Euro-Mediterranean Network of Players for Economic Development (ANIMA). The election was carried out at the General Assembly held on 11th June in Gamarth Tunisia.
In its Vice Presidency role, Malta Enterprise has been entrusted with the task of coordinating activities with international organisations including the OECD, UNCTAD, World Bank and the European Investment Bank. Through an initiative of Malta Enterprise, ANIMA will be signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA).
ANIMA was set up in 2002 and today represents 75 members across 22 countries in Europe and the Mediterranean. Malta Enterprise was one of its founding member. The network comprises national and regional investment promotion agencies, international organisations, business federations, innovation clusters, financial investors and research institutes from the Euromed region.
ANIMA’s objective is to contribute to the continued improvement of the Mediterranean business climate as well as encourage sustainable economic development in the region. To achieve this end, ANIMA offers publications and other economic intelligence tools on the Mediterranean market, develops various projects aimed at improving the attractiveness of the region and organises B2B events to facilitate trade and investment exchanges between entrepreneurs.
ANIMA is also associated with numerous Euro-Mediterranean entrepreneurial, professional and academic networks and institutions with which it is constantly developing mutual cooperation.