Malta Enterprise has organised a Seminar for local entrepreneurs interested in doing business with Cuba, whereby information was provided on the business environment and the opportunities that the Caribbean country offers to those wishing to expand their business in the region.
The seminar commenced with a presentation by Isamary González Jover, the Counsellor at the Cuban Embassy in Rome responsible for Economic and Commercial Affairs, who gave a detailed overview of the country from a range of perspectives, including amongst others business and tourism.
Representatives from Malta Enterprise spoke about the trade and investment relationship between Malta and Cuba, which have scope for increased cooperation given that the current commercial relationship is minimal, as well as the assistance that the Corporation provides to businesses based in Malta wishing to tap into foreign markets.
Other presentations, focusing on the tourism industry, were also delivered by representatives from the Ministry of Tourism in Cuba and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association.
The business seminar, which was organised in collaboration with the Malta Cuba Society and with the support of the Embassy of Cuba for Malta in Rome, was followed by a networking session and a series of meetings between the participants.
Cuba's main industries include sugar, petroleum and tobacco, with tourism increasing in importance to become the largest source of hard currency for the country. Indeed, Cuba has tripled its market share of Caribbean tourism in the last decade and, as a result of significant investment in tourism infrastructure, the growth rate is predicted to continue.