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Research & Development

The information provided in the table below is a high-level summary of the Research & Development support measure.  Interested applicants should read the full Incentive Guidelines which may be downloaded further down.


Scheme Title Research & Development
Version 1.0
Published on 23rd January 2024

The aim of this incentive is to support industry in undertaking Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities (R&D).

R&D projects should address scientific or technological uncertainties, and the knowledge acquired through the research is expected to lead towards the development of innovative products and solutions.

This support measure also encourages cooperation between organisations by providing additional assistance for collaborative research projects.

Projects accepted and endorsed by the EUREKA Network and its instruements: Network projects, European Partnership on Innovative SMEs / Eurostarts, Clusters, may also be considered for support under this incentive.

  • Types of enterprise: limited liability companies, partnerships and cooperatives
  • Applicants must not be defaulting on Income Tax, VAT and Social Security payments
  • Applicants must not be considered Undertakings in Difficulty
Type of Aid

Cash Grants, Tax Credits

Aid is calculated as a percentage of the costs incurred and is dependent of the type of research and the size of the applicant

Eligible Costs
  • Wage costs of personnel engaged on the project
  • Instruments and equipment
  • Contractual research, technical knowledge, and patents
  • Lands and buildings
  • Other operating expenses
Application Deadline 30th September 2026
Application Submission

The application form will be available in the coming weeks.

(First time users will need to register)

The guidelines are being made available for information purposes only.