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Network Support Scheme (Closed Measure)

Business Networks

Business Networks are made up of between 3 and 10 independent enterprises working together to achieve a specific business objective. Through the sharing of resources, enterprises forming part of the network can benefit from transfer of knowledge, combined capacity, improved business prospects and achieve higher competitiveness.

ME will support approved network projects with a cash grant which shall not exceed €60,000. This grant may be used to part finance approved costs up to 60%. Eligible costs include:

  • the engagement of a Network Manager
  • the participation in trade fairs and trade events
  • studies, consultancy services and certifications required for the target market
  • promotional material including brochures, multilingual websites and CD-ROMs

Development Networks

Development networks bring together enterprises operating within the same sector or having complimentary activities for the purpose of achieving collaborative and collective development. Development networks should be operated on the principles of not-for-profit organisations, must have an established secretariat and the necessary statutory mechanisms to accept and process membership applications and ensure democratic leadership.

This incentive supports development network by part finacing their operation in their first 3 years.

Application Annexes
Enterprise Size Declaration
Incentive Notes: 

The application form for this incentive will be made available after the proposed network project is discussed and is deem to be in line with the objectives of this incentive.