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Rent Subsidy 2020

This scheme supports undertakings that require industrial space as a temporary, or permanent, solution to support their business activity. The scheme is applicable to businesses engaged in Manufacturing, Maintenance and Repairs of Motor Vehicles, Repair of Machinery & Equipment and other industrial activities related to these sectors. The incentive is also available to other business activities requiring temporary (short-term) facilities for the storage of goods and materials to mitigate for fluctuations in supply disruptions and fluctuations of costs in international markets. 

Aid may be awarded in the form of a cash grant or as a tax credit. 

The total aid which may be granted to a single undertaking over a twelve-month period will be capped at €50,000, not exceeding 50% of the eligible rental costs. The support may be approved for a period of three (3) consecutive years, thus the maximum aid per single undertaking may not exceed €150,000).  The support may be extended for a further 3 years on the basis of a new application if the applicant has not generated a reasonable return but can justify a sustainable business thereafter if the additional support is approved.

The application form below is for reference purposes only. The latest version of the application form maybe downloaded from and submitted through the client portal. The portal may be accessed by clicking on the image below.