The aim of this incentive is to assist Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities required by industry for the acquistion of knowledge leading to the development of innovative products and solutions. The measure also encourages cooperation between undertakings by providing additional assistance for collaborative Industrial Research or Experimental Development projects.
These projects may include projects endorsed by the Eureka Network under its instruments (Network Projects, Eurostars, Clusters). For further information click here to be redirected to the EUREKA instruments application page.
Potential applicants looking for assurance on whether their project constitutes Research and Development are encouraged to first submit a Pre-Proposal Form to the Corporation for determination.
Application forms and relevant annexes may be downloaded from the sections below or accessed through the Corporation's Client Portal by clicking on the image below:
Contact Business First on 144 for further information on the Application Form.
Click Here to read the EUREKA (Network Projects, Eurostars, Clusters) – Brief